Sunday 27 November 2011

goodbye Nepal

Sunday 27th
Haggling our way through Patan
Today we fly home so the morning was spent emptying my wallet of all remaining cash.  We haggled hard for wood carvings, bought woolley hats, masala tea and incense.  Got some dinner at a place just outside the city gates, turns out to be another one of these 'posh' westernised places.  There's a group of Nepali teenage girls there, rich kids spending daddy's money and talking to each other in English.  I suppose its naive and a bit ignorant to think that everyone here is poor, where there are poor people there will always be rich people too!
So the adventure ends in the afternoon with a taxi to the airport.
We've had a brilliant 2 weeks, have really enjoyed doing everything off our own bat and having the freedom to turn up somewhere with a backpack and change our plans as we go along depending on where we fancy staying.  The trekking was the highlight and my only regret is that I would like to stay longer!

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