Saturday, 22 June 2013

I'm goin on a march

See here in this first video an interview with one of the more intelligent members of the english defence league.  The EDL are an intellectual political protest group who "want Britain to be back British",  these articulate academics are highly respected throughout the country for speaking out against the "muslamic raygams" and the "Iraqi law that they've put down in London".  After you have watched this first video check out the next one.....

Having enjoying that first video I highly recommend you watch this second video where you will see that this inspirational character is not only an educated political debater but also a very talented singer!!!  I would also like to make note of how restrained this very passionate and emotionally charged person was in not using his favourite f word, throughout the one and a half minutes he only kind of half said it twice for which he should be highly commended because he f*!*in loves a good swear he does.

1 comment:

Gambo said...

The young man clearly has a deep knowledge of the threat of 'Muslamic' law in this green and pleasant land of ours which is clearly drawn from a thoroughly good education on the subject. This will surely give the Taliban something to think about next time they think about trying to invade our English way of life.