Friday, 8 February 2013

poor horsey?

All this nonsense about the horse meat scandal..... you're better off veggie.
It's okay to kill and eat a cow but not a lovely horsey? the country is full of morons!
some people seem horrified that they may have been mislead into eating horse meat labelled as beef,  there was a fuss last week with televised protests in Nantwich over poor conditions at a horse abattoir and now more horse meat stories are coming out everyday on the national news.  why? why are people bothered when horses are involved but are quite happy to chew on a dead cow and live in ignorance to the fact that millions of pigs, cows and chickens are living a poor quality meaningless life all across the country?
If you eat meat then what's the difference? If you couldn't tell the difference when you were tucking in to your 'beef' lasagne then why does it matter?  Either way the meat came from an animal that was killed after having had a bad life.  We're talking about meat found in ready meals and processed food anyway, I wouldn't eat that stuff even if I wasn't vegetarian, it's made for the kind of person who doesn't care what they're eating or doesn't know what they're eating.  Hopefully this publicity will make people think a bit more and then people like me might stop labelling them morons.


Anonymous said...

But the cruelty is what makes the meat taste all the better.

jonny brand said...

hi anonymous! you're one of the morons i mentioned

Anonymous said...

Yea, suppose I must be a moron as it appears I am the first gal to make a comment on your blog.......

jonny brand said...

i bet you're a facebook user. obsessed with how many comments you get. enjoy reading my blog

Anonymous said...

And another thing, i find it offensive that you consider me and my family morons just because we cant afford to live a lifestyle where we can afford to shop around for your poncy organic vegetarian food.

Some of us have to work hard for very little money and still feed our families. me and my girls need to eat these ready meals you so readily accuse of being the sole source of food for ill educated none caring morons.

People like you have no idea.

jonny brand said...

you don't NEED to eat ready meals. i don't shop around for 'poncy' food either. i cook all my own food so that i know what's in it and that it's healthy and i enjoy doing that, i also do this on a budget and refuse to buy anything remotely poncy or over priced and i did the same before i became vegetarian. sorry if i offend you, i don't wish to upset anybody whoever you are but i have to say..... you started it!

R.O.B said...

To Mrs Anonymous... if you start with a flippant comment you shouldn't expect to be taken seriously... anyway I think you need to swap "can't afford" with "too lazy"... eating healthily is NOT more expensive than buying ready meals!! Why would you feed your family this cardboard food if you are supposed to be caring for them? I think it's YOU who has no idea how to cook and feed your family in the proper way on a budget... it IS possible but you have to educate yourself... hence with your comments you are basically confirming the tag given to you in the original post!

R.O.B said...

Now for the proper discussion...
I think the real concern should not be the thought of being tricked into eating a different type of meat, but the lack of control over what is entering the human food chain. There are certain substances which are banned for all farm animals, and these can be monitored and controlled as long as we are certain what meat we are eating. When that certainty gets taken away, it opens up all sorts of possibilities for harmful substances entering our food chain. This is where the real corruption comes in and could be the reason why it has been covered up.

RE morals behind vegetarianism (just a small topic really)- It is hard to define whether 'meaningless' can be used to describe the life of a cow or a chicken as we can't prove whether they have complex emotions. Is it relevant to project our own emotional perceptions onto them? These animals have been bred over the years on purpose to become dosile and incapable of independent activity or thought. Not that this makes it ok, but it seems as if it's too late for humans to start worrying about morals now... especially when faced with the task of trying to bring these moral values to individuals like Mrs Anonymous.

Conclusion- vegetarianism has be to respected and discussed further.

jonny brand said...

what kind of conclusion is that? it is fundamentally wrong to end the life of another living being whether that be a chicken an ant or saddam hussein. by eating and buying meat you are effectively ordering the killing of another animal through the supply and demand chain, the excuse of animals being bred to be consumed makes this worse not better. if you saw the conditions that supposedly 'free range' animals live in you would describe it as intensive farming, the meat and dairy produce used in ready meals comes from animals kept in an even worse and more intensive environment, if you could sit in the middle of an intensive farming environment and tuck into a findus ready meal lasagne (with or without horse meat) then you're not ever going to care what anyone like me has to say, if you're still reading this then you care even just a little bit. some people eat processed ready meals out of habbit and haven't educated themselves to the detriment of their health and ignorance to the moral wrongs of the industry. some people do know what they are eating and still eat the cheaply produced poor quality rubbish, these people are in the moron category.