Saturday, 16 May 2015

Exit Music

I suppose I'd better post Rob's new video up being as it looks like he has spent 40 hours editing it together probably without any sleep (including during work time?).  Rumour has it that it is the 'exit music' for leaving Malta but that's just a rumour and he's probably best staying over there now that the tories have some how rigged the election and got back in over here.
The thing is though, if he leaves Malta then this could be the last epic video he makes.  Why? Well, because Malta is a smallish island it's easy to run out of things to do which leaves loads of spare time for things like this, in fact there's only actually 4 things to do in Malta and one of those things is making films of yourself playing the guitar.  The other 3 things are shooting migrating birds, chess and masturbating.  Oh dear!  eurgh! sorry to lower the tone, I know what you're thinking, chess is such a bore but that's just what the Maltese do over there, sorry.

Anyway where was I?  Oh yes, here's the video.....

nice one our kid


R.O.B said...

This video is amazing, no wonder it has gathered 22 views already in just a few weeks! The message was supposed to be telling everyone whose ignorance has p***** me off this year to f*** off... So the fact that everybody is too ignorant to even watch it is very fitting and it closes the loop nicely. Just a few more to do until it's out of my system and I can start doing originals or even join a band like the proper musicians do.....

jonny brand said...

So let's get this straight, anyone who hasn't watched your video is ignorant and needs to f**k off? So that's 7,316,609,310 people in the world minus 22 = 7,316,609,288 people that need to f**k right off you ignorant little shits!