Friday, 4 March 2016

The Real Peel

Who are the morons out there who buy pre chopped carrots?  And why do supermarkets find the need to shrink wrap melons???
Well some normal girl from London tweeted a photo of these ridiculous pre peeled packaged oranges yesterday, it went a bit viral..... 

"If only nature would find a way to cover these oranges so we didn't need to waste so much plastic on them"
.....and by today it was being quoted and discussed on every news outlet out there causing the supermarket Whole Foods to pull the product.  Excellent!!! 

Huffington Post - Whole Foods Sells Peeled Oranges In Plastic Containers, World Revolts

ITV News - Picture of peeled oranges in plastic containers causes outrage online

The Independent - Whole Foods pre-peeled oranges in plastic pulled after social media ridicule

BBC News - Plastic-wrapped mandarins withdrawn by Whole Foods

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