Friday, 2 September 2016


Watch the Clinton Cash documentary that reveals the hugely corrupt practices of Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

When Bill Clinton left the Whitehouse the Clintons were not only broke but in serious debt. They are now multi multi millionaires. Who paid them massive fees for making speeches? and why?

Often foreign businessmen and governments made the enormous payments, believing the Clintons would help advance their interests.....and they did.

Bill makes a speech for a fee of around $500,000 or more and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton actions a u-turn policy change that just coincidentally has very lucrative benefits for those that paid the huge speaking fee.  Since 2001 the Clintons have made over $150million in paid speeches.

Gold mining contracts,
Oil pipeline deals,
Syphoning off of US aid money, eg. Haiti earthquake disaster,
Uranium sold to Russia for nuclear use,
You want it? You can buy some favours.....

So it works like this;
Bill flies into a third world country, where he spends time in the company of a businessman described as a "close personal friend." Introductions are made. A deal is struck—usually to exploit natural resources, such as uranium, oil, or timber, on a large and highly profitable scale.

Soon after that, enormous contributions are made to the Clinton Foundation from those who benefited from the deal, while Bill is commissioned to deliver a series of highly paid speeches.

Some of these deals require approval or review by the US government and fall within the purview of a powerful senator and secretary of state such as say Hillary Clinton.

This scenario plays out again and again—in Rwanda, Nigeria, Congo, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Often the people involved are characters of a kind that an American ex-president (not to mention the spouse of a sitting senator, secretary of state, or presidential candidate) should have nothing to do with.

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