Thursday, 24 October 2013

Techno House Rave Stomper

The long awaited DJ BOMBER album is finally here and jonny's brain has a world exclusive preview for you right here.  The first two tracks can be streamed and downloaded here for free!  The full album called THRSt (Techno House Rave Stomper) will be in circulation over the next few days as a free release on CD.  This is the first old skool mix since 'top one, nice one' all those years ago, an album that seeded the huge fan base of 10 or more that BOMBER has today and still grows despite him remaining anonymous.
Link to track1 and Link to track 2  and hopefully the player will be embedded for you below.....


Anonymous said...

N0W .

Anonymous said...

if only bomber would reveal his identity then sure he would be winning awards