Sunday, 6 October 2013

Glasto is NOT go!!!

No Glastonbury tickets!

Have spent most of Sunday morning staring at a screen that says "could not connect to".  Had three devices on trying to connect, phone in hand and Gaz and Jay trying at their end too.  After about an hour of trying actually got onto the booking page, entered reg details, entered address and card details, clicked book tickets...... yes! we're going to Glastonbury!!!.....

.....something went wrong

what a load of horse shit!

I hope it rains


Gaz said...

What a load of donkey spunk. Fingers crossed its wham headlining in unseasonable torrential sleet

jonny brand said...

Yeh Gaz, that'll show em. Horse shit and donkey spunk! I don't care anyway, I'm over it

jonny brand said...

Try again next April for the resale tickets?

Gaz said...

No chance, I'm over it big time

Gaz said...

Actually, let's Defo do it