Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Universal language of beer is understood by everyone, even the owl people

Whatever language you speak one thing that's never a problem is buying a beer.  Hungarian is so difficult to learn that I've noticed most of the Hungarians reply in English when I try and speak Hungarian to them, this must be because they also find their own native tongue a bit tricky to grasp.  When you need beer however, asking for it in Russian is just as effective as Hungarian, when I tried asking for 2 beers using Vietnamese it was no problem, I got 2 beers.

So last night.  Went for the veggie option of mushroom goulash in the Drum Cafe Goulash Bar, and very tasty it was too. A small but very busy cafe with quirky decor that serves a nice variety of local beers.

After food we went over to a square that had one of those big ferris wheels that all cities have these days.  Bec was scared and kept her eyes closed all the way round each three spins of the wheel.  When we got off I told her how wonderful the Budapest cityscape skyline looks by night and showed her some photos of how it looks from the top of the wheel.

We went in search of more beer and found a couple of bars including a nightclub called 'instant' that Bec's friend had told us about.  Instant has 38 different rooms with djs playing different genres of music in some of the rooms, we hung out in the funky jazz room that was decorated with flying rabbits and naked humanoid owls with glowing green eyes.  This places looks like it's been designed by my equally unhinged long lost twin brother, there's a bear playing a bass cello, many strangely alluring naked women with owl's heads and giant satanic bats hovering over stairways.  I wanted to stay until 5am but Bec wasn't feeling it quite so much as me and dragged me back to the hotel sometime after 12.

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