Tuesday 17 December 2013

Mission accomplished???

I'll not mince my words here but incase you didn't already know that our (unelected) prime minister is a vacuous, delusional, corporate rent boy whore then read this article on the corrupt, toffee nosed, smarmy c*#t......


What exactly was the mission Dave???


Afghanistan was invaded in 2001 and then shortly before invading Iraq (for no good reason) in 2003 president Bush declared "mission accomplished" in Afghanistan.  So then...... the last ten years?
I can only assume it's taken a bit longer than expected to tie up all the corporate investments in oil, gas and banking, or maybe the US needed a bit longer to properly establish their Asian military bases encircling China and Russia, OR maybe we need to draw some troops back ready to (illegally) invade Syria/Lebanon/Iran.

Oh and erm......

Merry Christmas!!!


R.O.B said...

Opium, opium, opium, morphine, heroin, opium etc...

Fight the people who deal and use heroin, but if there is any danger of the supply drying up, invade the country and make sure it doesn't dry up, also take over the supply at the source and cash in on it, and call it a war on terror to protect the people, including the addicts who are obviously far more likely to die from a bomb blast than an overdose.

jonny brand said...

it's true that opium production has never been higher in Afghanistan, it has risen sharply every year since 2001 which also happens to be the year that US and NATO troops began their illegal military operations. From the link provided you will see that US troops actually protect the fields too, anything to keep the right people happy hey! http://www.globalresearch.ca/drug-war-american-troops-are-protecting-afghan-opium-u-s-occupation-leads-to-all-time-high-heroin-production/5358053

Anonymous said...

the brand brothers expose disgraceful truths yet again. good work