Monday, 4 July 2016

Are EU talking bollocks again?

The EU referendum and our Brexit that we voted for that hasn't actually happened yet.  The remain campaign and the leave campaign were full of bullshit lies on both sides, absolute nonsense propaganda bollocks that nobody understood and the majority didn't believe.
Forget all the immigration rubbish and scaremongering of impending apocalypse, the reason to leave the EU is because of the EU itself and it's corrupt inner workings.

This is how the EU works:

First, there is the European Parliament, where MEPs are elected by the general public to represent them; their job is to vote for or against proposed new EU laws.  OK, sounds fine so far but they don't propose the laws so who does?

Well, next there is the European Council, where the nations’ leaders meet, Ok it's good to talk and all that but proposing new legislation is not their job either.....

That is the role of the European Commission, which consists of 28 commissioners, one for each member country. These people have not actually been elected but hand picked by each country’s current leaders.  It is these unelected commissioners who create the laws, not the leaders or MEPs we vote in.  Urghh, smelly stinky bureaucracy! but unfortunately it doesn't stop there.....

Who sets the agenda for these Commissioners?  Where do they get their ideas for new laws? And who says law changes are required and necessary in the first place?
Aaaah!  They come from The European Round Table of Industrialists.  The ERT consists of around 50 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major multinational companies and corporations who operate in extreme secrecy.
Riiight now we're getting the picture!  That's why all these big business CEOs were scaremongering us about job losses and financial disaster if we Brexit.  You see, no EU = less power to create laws to benefit themselves.

In 1997 The European Round Table negotiated a trade agreement called the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) which allowed corporations to sue governments if EU laws increasing environmental protection, improving labour standards, securing equal treatment for women, or taxing capital impeded on their profits.  The proposal was leaked and the agreement fell through, so the ERT put the agreement forward again under the only very slightly different name ''MIA" at the World Trade Organisation, but this time the commissioners resigned due to several counts of fraud and the MIA was also never passed.

Today we have proposals such as TTIP or CETA. These are new versions of this same trade agreement which now incorporate the USA and Canada, and corporations are pushing harder than ever for their monopoly over governments to be enforced for 'the greater good'.

It is also important to note that the 2007 Treaty of Lisbon replaced all previous treaties as the new EU constitution; in this treaty, it is almost impossible for any country to petition a law once it has been put in force.  So once it's in, it's done, no changing back!

Another interesting thing to note is that one month after the economy collapsed in 2008, the then President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, appointed 'The Independent High Level Group on Financial Supervision' to sort the mess out.  But this was not a group of independent economic experts; it was a group of eight men associated to Lehman Brothers, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs — three of the US banks that caused the crisis in the first place.  I wonder who they thought should pay for the bail out?

For Greece, when the situation worsened the decision was made to have the general public’s bank accounts frozen, withdrawals limited and deposits taxed, and when the people of Greece voted on rejecting further loans from the EU in 2015, the EU threatened to punish Greece even further.

Corporations and banks are deciding what laws the commissioners should create, politicians are cooperating with these corporations and banks, and the decision-making processes by these corporations, banks, and politicians are deliberately being carried out in secret.

Great isn't it the EU?!
Oh dear!  We voted leave! and now the banks and big business are mad and worried that their expanding, all governing power system might crumble into a more socialist, locally governed democracy, you know like a system that works better for ordinary people.

Forget the pricks like Farage and his xenophobic immigration ranting, I reckon he actually damaged the leave campaign and yet he claims it as his own triumph.  The remain campaign and the leave campaign were both full of absolute, total bullshit on both sides.  All bollocks.
The corrupt system of the EU itself is why we have to leave.  We voted out, but will they let us leave?

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