Friday, 27 May 2011


had a decent day today. went to wem to visit family i've not seen for about 15 years.  went to see sid my step grandad, well he's just grandad really, i was really pleased what good health and spirits he was in.  felt weird being in my grans house again, not been since she died.  all the old furniture is still there and the house smells just how i remember.  the memories made me feel like a child again which gave me the urge to run up and down the garden kicking the heads off flowers (grans not here to tell me off now) but i didnt of was raining too much.

went to aunty chris's next, had dinner, fixed her tv for her and got force fed cakes and biscuits and lots of coffee.

next aunty chris drove us down to see my aunty marge, shes my great aunt actually, she's 98 years old and more spritely than most of my friends.  she lives in a bungalow in the woods by herself and seems to manage great.  i remember when i was little she used to love watching the darts and the snooker on tv, when i mentioned it her eyes lit up and she gave me a run down of the latest snooker news and her love for steve davis and john higgins!

a very satisfying day, i've been meaning to do for a while.  lifes not just about getting drunk with your friends...... not until this saturday anyway.....

(edit) oh and just incase they ever read this and feel left out my parents were there too

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but are the bells still over the kitchen door, and the ribena in the pantry... oh and the apple trees in the massive back garden... is the back garden still massive?