Friday 17 January 2014


Having not made a post for a week or two since my announcement of a vegan raw food diet, readers of my blog have been concerned that I have wasted away and collapsed in a heap of malnutrition.  Well the news to report back is quite the opposite!  I feel great! eating 100% raw has proved quite difficult and so after a couple of days it became more like 75% mainly due to my weakness for bread but also found I needed to cook up a bit of rice, pasta and potatoes.  If I've stuck to mostly raw then 15-20 portions of fruit and veg a day is easily consumed and on some days more if I've been playing with the new juicer we bought.  Being a veggie I think about what I eat anyway but since the emphasis on raw I feel I've got a bit more energy, I concentrate better at work, feel less tired and my insides feel clean like they've been flushed out which makes sense when I think about it because I've been pooing more frequently now (if that's possible).
So the usual confused question from the meat eaters is always "but what do you eat???" while they visualise me grazing on grass in the back garden, Well I eat fruit and vegetables and lots of them, gotta go now, think i need a poo.....


Anonymous said...

tree hugging pansy! tell us some more conspiracy theories instead of all this rabbit food nonsense!

R said...

agree with previous comment! what's going on in syria/iran? aliens? fake moon landing? illuminanti? update us please!